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Monday, October 24, 2016

Then & Now

1 comment:

  1. Try 35 years ago. I was a computer operator at that time and I operated an IBM 4341 mainframe computer. The computer room had a raised tile floor and had AC coming out the bottom and the top to control the heat. The disk drives were each the size of a stand washing machine and filled the room to capacity. I had to stand to sort the reports and the main console was on the CPU. We went from an 80 column card reader to a 9.5 floppy disc reader. That was state of the art!!! I had to restart the system each night after processing the reports. The disk drives sounded like jet aircraft starting up! I loved it so much, I never took much time off, because I enjoyed the technology. By the time I was finally laid off due to outsourcing, the same computer room was reduced to a closet, and the AS/400 was no bigger than a standard desktop! Now everything has been replaced by a rack of network servers! They were great times. Would not have missed a moment! No regrets!


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