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Saturday, October 22, 2016

The United States Of Refugees

Consider the state of Nebraska. What comes to mind?

Common associations with the Cornhusker state include: row crops, silos, college football, Warren Buffet, and wholesome, earnest Americana.

Now try this one: Refugee Capital of the United States.

So far this year, the City of Omaha has settled over 900 people fleeing war, persecution, and disaster around the world. That may be a small figure relative to the estimated 21.3 million refugees worldwide (or relative to the population of Omaha, for that matter, which is roughly 434,000). But it’s still higher than the number of refugees resettled in Los Angeles and New York City combined.

That disproportionate hospitality extends across the entire state, where over 1,300 refugees have found new homes this year. That may not be much compared to the resettlement statistics in larger states, like California, Texas, and New York. But given Nebraska’s population of fewer than 2 million, on a per person basis, this makes the state the most welcoming of refugees in the nation. For every 100,000 residents, Nebraska resettled roughly 71 refugees in 2016. By the same measure, California welcomed fewer than 18.

If these figures don’t jibe with your understanding of where refugees live in the United States, that might be because you’ve been following this year’s presidential election. When Donald Trump claims that we “have no documentation” about the “Trojan horse” refugees who live in this country, and when Republican governors across the country insist that they will not abide Syrian refugees resettling within their borders, they not only raise suspicions about some of the world’s most vulnerable people, they fundamentally mischaracterize what may be the most complex human relocation system on the planet.



  1. Not many being resettled in Hawaii....

  2. Dilute, divide and conquer at the election booth...So long America as
    I have known it! I fear that the way this country is headed there is a great chance my great great great grandchildren will see Sharia law implemented in parts of The United States of America, the once great, and to some the last, bastion of liberty, freedom and justice!

  3. 8:55 AM another Civil War is looming and if Trump doesn't get elected I think that it is time for us to do what we have to do to take back our country!

  4. Since everyone seems to be afraid to be seen or heard talking about the Muslims, I have no problem wearing a scarf over my face and joining a militia to take back our country. If they can hide their faces I can hide mine. If that is what it takes to take our country back I will do it. Not only do we need to take our country back we need to get rid of all the illegal aliens and refugees. We need to deport them as soon as we can. We also need to stop letting people into this country. Stop allowing them to become citizens. What other country has open borders like this?

  5. " I think I'll be moving to Montana soon, just to raise me up a crop of dental floss " - Frank Zappa 9/7/1973.


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