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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The 5 Facts That JUST MIGHT Prove Trump Is ACTUALLY Beating Hillary!

FACT #1: Trump has nearly three times the amount of followers on Facebook.
Trump: 12,174,358 likes.
Clinton: 4,385,959 likes.
Look what Trump’s live stream videos do when compared to Hillary’s.
Trump Live Stream Post — 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views
Clinton Live Stream Post — 25 hours ago: 9,000 likes, 0 shares, 121,000 views
That does not look good at all for her!
Fact #2: Trump has 18.6 million twitter followers.
Hillary Clinton has only 6.1 million.
The best part is that most of Hillary’s are actually fake. According to the Washington Examiner, 41 percent of Hillary’s “followers” are not even real people.
In contrast, The Daily Caller says that Trump’s followers are 90% real with  90% of them having a previous voting record.
Fact #3: Trump averages 160k viewers per live stream.
Clinton averages 400 viewers per live stream.
Wow. That is bad. Trump also gets 5,000 percent more eyeballs focused on the screen than Clinton. Yep. She really is that boring to the folks.
Fact #4: Instagram.
Trump has 6.2 million followers.
Clinton has 800,000 followers.
Instagram is a platform with mostly all pictures and not much substance – exactly what Hillary supporters love. And still she does very poorly in this medium.
Fact #5: On Reddit.
Trump: 297,696 subscribers
Clinton: 21,429 subscribers
But on Hillary for Prison: she gets 255,228 subscribers.
Trump has more subscribers than Clinton on every major social media outlet but what is even funnier is that there are nearly 3 times as many people subscribed to “Hillary for Prison” than there are subscribed to the Clinton page.
The best part is that the DNC's leaked emails from WikiLeaks have proven that Clinton pays people to support her online. Trump supporters on the other hand willingly actually like and follow him on Social media.
Trump actually has the support of the people. He is going to win this election come November no matter what the mainstream media would like you to believe.
I admit that I am a rabid “deplorable” and I voted today!  God Bless America and all the other “deplorable’s”!! 
Right now, every single patriot needs to share this article with friends and relatives. We need to fight these rigged polls that seem to come out every day. Hillary Clinton has a big bag of tricks and is trying to trick the American public into voting for her. Let’s show America the truth.
We have to fight against the mainstream media and their attempts to steal the election away from Trump.


  1. Oh,,, you poor poor goobers......lmao....

  2. Hillary is more than just boring. She can't be believed, so why listen?

  3. It's because this election has become a reality show. And who's going to do the most ridiculous stuff and grab our 5 second attention spans? Trump.

  4. The Instagram one is a lie. Trump has 2.7 Million and Clinton has 2.6 Million

  5. Need to send these numbers to Megan Kelly at Fox News
    She is oblivious

  6. The leaked Podesta emails from a few days ago show him "recommending" oversampling to make the polls more favorable to Clinton.

    This taken directly from one email. There are others.
    "I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling."

  7. This is not the current numbers on Facebook

  8. The emails show the Clinton camp asked for the polls to be stacked with blacks and hispanics and when applicable native Americans. So like if they polled in MD for instance instead of giving an accurate sampling of the state they would stack w/a disproportionate number of blacks from Baltimore city. Out of 1500 people polled maybe 20% would be blacks from Baltimore City. This skews the numbers because of the MD voters overall 20% of them are not blacks residing in Baltimore city.

  9. 809am Hillary is so boring to listen to...she sounds like a principal at a pep rally...or someones b#t@hy whiny mother. The sound of her voice just irritates me.. I tune out everytime the media plaster her face on tv.


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