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Saturday, October 22, 2016

T-Mobile Will Pay $48M To Close FCC Investigation Into Limits On “Unlimited” Data Plans

If you’re going to market “unlimited” wireless data plans, you’d better adequately disclose that, as the name might imply, you’re not selling unfettered access to all the data you could possibly use in a month. Otherwise, you could end up on the hook for millions of dollars in penalties and discounts.

The FCC announced this morning that it has reached a settlement — valued at $48 million total — with T-Mobile to close its investigation into T-Mobile’s alleged failure to properly disclose the restrictions on connection speeds and data for “unlimited” data plans offered by the magenta-hued wireless provider.

The FCC’s 2010 Open Internet Order includes a Transparency Rule requiring broadband providers to “publicly disclose accurate information regarding the network management practices, performance, and commercial terms” of its services. These disclosures must be “sufficient for consumers to make informed choices regarding use of such services and for content, application, service, and device providers to develop, market, and maintain Internet offerings.”



  1. So how do i get my refund ?

  2. I don't even use T-mobile and I knew that they would slow down the data stream after a certain level of usage was reached. All the unlimited use plans do this to some degree usually by switching you from 4G to 3G.

  3. Verizon are the biggest of the crooks. I'm grandfathered on one of the old unlimited data plans. Unlimited....ok? OK. But to enable the hotspot feature on my phone Verizon charge me and additional $30 a month. No one, and I mean no one at Verizon has been able to explain this half-assery to me. Unlimited data is unlimited data....so why do I have to pay an additional fee each month? For more unlimited data? How can you have more unlimited, unlimited data????


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