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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

DMV records, plus a cavalier approach to mugshot databases, puts half of the US in the system

Half of all American adults are already in some sort of facial recognition network accessible to law enforcement, according to a comprehensive new study.

Conducted over a year and relying in part on Freedom of Information and public record requests to 106 law enforcement agencies, the study, conducted by Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology, found American police use of facial recognition technology is a scattered, hodgepodge network of laws and regulations.



  1. If you have a MD drivers license, you are in the database.

  2. But you all stupid people said, data bases don't exist, facial recognition doesn't exist... That no one is tracking you.... Geeee I guess I get to say I told you all so again....

  3. Wait, if you are in a facial recognition database, why can't you produce ID to vote?

  4. at least it ain't like London yet

  5. database? Podesta was working at Georgetown.

  6. You can actually be in a vehicle and the scanner will pick up photo images of everyone in the vehicle. They sometimes have the car with the scanner at the Bay Bridge, and other times, as you are riding the highways, a police marked or unmarked vehicle picks up the images.

    The government has been working on the technology for years and so has security industries.

  7. Hey big brother
    As soon as you arrive
    You better get in touch with the people, big brother
    And get them on your side, big brother
    And keep them satisfied
    Welcome to the beat of the city street
    Walk on now and don't be shy
    Take a closer look at the people you meet
    And notice the fear in their eyes
    Watching the time passing by
    Now that you got the picture
    What you gonna do
    Now that you got the picture
    What you gonna do.

  8. Dennis buddy, hows bout a weekend weather forecast?

  9. Dennis via Joe, where are you? In Salisbury??

    I personally miss you so much on television. I thought WBOC treated you rotten. You always got the weather forecasts right. This "chief Dan, the weatherman" is the single worse forecaster in the world. It takes three to do what one of you did everyday of the week. You kept us and our kids safe. God Bless!

    P.S. Keep signing in, I like the poems.

  10. 2:51 PM don't be so sure of that!


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