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Sunday, October 23, 2016



  1. Really need more information. But she is trash!!

  2. "You want to act like a man, I'mma treat you like a man"

    From the Cleveland bus driver with the epic uppercut to the hood rat.

  3. He got up and walked away. She followed. At that point he should have knocked her on her pompous behind. We were always told men should never hit women, however it goes both ways. Don't hit someone and not expect to be hit back. The problem is if he would have fought back at all he would have gotten suspended from school. She probably got a slap on the wrist. She should have been arrested for assault! Feminists want equal rights so they should get equal treatment when it comes to hitting a man.

  4. i've seen this sort of thing before. If he were to defend himself, the guys in the back plus the guys filming it (black boys) would have beat him up. He's in a no win situation. That being said, i would of just put her in a bear hug and sat on her and told her to cut it out.

    1. Why did you feel the need to mention the race of the boys?

  5. He should have whipped her Ass. If he could.

  6. You don't need to hit her. Push her @$$ on the ground and sit on her til she starts acting like a woman.

  7. The real question here is what is that civilized boy to do in a situation when he is clearly dealing with an uncivilized person. Why are we allowing our civilized children to be mixed in with uncivilized trash? I dont want my kids exposed to this. It opens up the door for him to make a natural split second reaction and to them be pulled into the same pit that this piece of garbage crawled out of. Suspension, assault, ridicule etc. because he exercised his GOD given and Constitutionally backed right to defend himself.

    There is no doubt that girl deserves a severe beating. She'll get it...they always do.

  8. As this happened on school property and this video is surely being seen by school officials, it's a good bet that she's spending some time hearing about ladylike behavior, not that the advice will take.

  9. Should have taken her to the ground and held her down. Or a simple right cross to the chin.

  10. My size 12 would have been up her butt .

  11. This film is important evidence that the female aggressor should be charged with assault as an Adult because she continually verbally & physically assaulted this person.

    We, as a society, should demand that she be persecuted for her crimes?

  12. He should have warned her, then knocked her into next Tuesday.

  13. He should have knocked that beetch OUT.

  14. She started punching on him. So yes he should have defended himself. Once somebody crosses that line and hits you it is game on and may the best man or woman win.


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