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Saturday, October 22, 2016

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Donor Lands Taxpayer-Funded Factory in Haiti

Reports reveal that tens of millions in taxpayer dollars were used to build a clothing factory in Haiti for a company that has donated to the Clinton Foundation and whose owner invested in Cheryl Mills’ private consulting company.

By 2012, Sae-A Trading Company, a South Korean clothing manufacture, had become the flagship tenant in a much-celebrated Haitian industrial park. Both Bill and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended the factory’s ribbon-cutting ceremony.

“A single building was not here a year ago, and now more than a thousand Haitians are coming to work,” Hillary Clinton said at the ceremony, according to ABC News. “This is something that is remarkable.”

Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, according to the New York Times, played a prominent roll in bringing Sae-A to Haiti.

“Ms. Mills took the lead on smoothing the way for the company, Sae-A Trading,” theTimes reports. “When [Mills] presided over the project’s unveiling in September 2010, she introduced Sae-A’s chairman, Woong-ki Kim, as the most important person at the ceremony, which included Mrs. Clinton and the Haitian prime minister.”



  1. The owners went there because labor was cheaper than in South Korea. Minimum wage in South Korea is $5.31 per hour. Minimum wage in Haiti is $5.11 per DAY.

    Why did we pay for this?

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 22, 2016 at 4:21 PM

    Well, main reason was to obtain License for Digging Gold Mines of Haiti for company owned by Tony Rodham, you guessed it - Hillary's brother. There are only 2 companies allowed to be digging gold in Haiti, one is owned by Haitian government and the other by Crooked Clintons. Cutting ribbon at the new "factory"(sweathshop) was just a sideshow for MSM reporters. All done while she was Secretary of State, getting paid by American Taxpayers.
    Hillary for Prison 2016!

  3. This was your money, America!


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