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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Posts Every 7 Minutes, (or so) from 6 AM to at least 1 PM

It's yet another very busy day for news and information today. How about today's featured post of the day! Some people are just plain nuts. Have a great day/weekend.


  1. Joe, what you do is a public service. Thank you so much.

  2. drug bust - salisbury christian school-thats all Im saying

    1. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as drugs are infiltrating all races, gender, and socioeconomic classes. No more thinking it's just the lower classes being affected

    2. Sad thing is he was dealing to students and now the school principal Is ignoring this and have not said anything to the parents...police officers searched the parking lot and student cars .. it was done because of a call to Police by a parents ...not one mention of it happening by the school on school grounds. Maybe the parents
      Of the kids buying the drugs would appreciate this information.

  3. How 'bout those WiHi football players kneeljng on the field at the game?

  4. I will be glad when this election is over, SBY News hasn't had any local gossip or Rumors in weeks.

    1. Yes its ridiculous. Its turned into a anti-hillary blog. I use to visit daily now it's like once, maybe twice a week.

    2. I visit even more now. I love to laugh at the delusions in the articles and comments.

  5. Absolutely 132. After all it's much more important to spread gossip and rumors than worry about the country's future, isn't it?


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