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Monday, October 24, 2016

Perhaps You Need To Think Deeper

WHY do you think Hillary Clinton and her staff would flat out say the Russians are behind hacking liberal e-mail, yet never accept guilt to all of the illegal and corrupt findings coming out of them? It's a really good question and I mean it.

You see, here's what I think their master plan is. I firmly believe Donald Trump is way ahead of Hillary Clinton and they know it. Look, all you have to do is see who's turning out at the rallies to know who's ahead. 

I believe Hillary and the Liberals are purposely passing everything on the Russians so they can come back after Trump wins and claim the Russians hacked the election as well. 

Their next step will be to contest the election and perhaps stir the pot so much so that we may even see the beginning of a revolution. (not saying it might not happen either way) 

Obama then claims Martial Law, stays in office and Lord knows what the final outcome is. However, the mere fact that Liberals are making such a big deal out of Donald Trump refusing to accept the final results PROVES to me there's something majorly wrong. He has every right to do what he so chooses. Funny, the LIBERALS aren't going after the other Republican candidates who signed a pledge to support whomever became the winner, Donald Trump.

Sometimes I think Americans are so stupid. They rarely take the time to really think things out, because there is an outcomes, especially when Liberals are involved. 

Agree with my thoughts or not, I've started to open your minds as to what might be ahead. One thing is for sure, Trump is bringing in tens of thousands of people to rallies and there's no denying it's 500 to 1 Trump signs verses Hillary signs. 

I can't wait to hear your thought and ideas on this one.


  1. Joe brings up a completely valid possibility here. They just may try to cause a stir and much hoopla, as they've been energetically doing so during the entire campaign! Claiming the "Russians" stole the election sure is high drama and challenging the results would certainly stir things up.

    However, remember, Liberals NEVER think past their noses. If that were to happen, one need only remember that Conservatives NEVER go out rioting, looting and burning when they don't get their way! They just methodically arrange the recounts and go about it in a perfectly reasonable, calm and legal way.

    While Soros may pay some of his professional rioters to paint "R"s on their foreheads and go looting and burning, after a few arrests, those same names will be there just as they were causing trouble at the Trump rallies. Conservatives will nod their heads and shame the liberal kooks to drop the recount idea.

    But yeah, be cautious of them playing it this way!

  2. U.S. intelligence are the ones saying the Russians are behind the hack.
    Try to keep up.

  3. 355 NO INTELLIGENCE AGENCY has said this. REPEAT NO INTELLIGENCE AGENCY has confirmed nor suggested this at ALL! Sick of people saying the same mindless babble that comes out of that idiot's mouth when none of it is true! You sound like a moron quoting her ridiculous claim.

    Furthermore, there aren't 17 intelligence agencies - get a friggin' clue.

  4. All I can do is shake my head at people like 355. They really do live in a talking point fantasy land without any introspection or thought as to whether or not what they're being fed is poison. Just amazing.

  5. I watched an interview after the last debate when some dingbat went after Trump because he refused to commit to accepting the final results. She said it's an insult to America and that we, (Americans) need to TRUST politicians. Yes, I said DINGBAT because that's exactly what she is. See, I told you the other day that I too, (like Trump) say things I may regret saying later but at least I tell the truth.

    Yeah, we TRUST Liberals who said it's AFFORDABLE Health Care. Just like every single Liberal politician, they get crap passed through with BS numbers and then raise the rates month after month, even at a local level.

    Liberals told us ALL of the Lottery, Keno & Slot money would go to EDUCATION. How is it that never happened and in Wicomico County at least 50% of ALL taxes go to education!

    I wouldn't trust a Liberal as far as I could throw them. How are those Inner Cities working for you Idiots. Shall I go on, DINGBATS?

  6. Not voting for her because I just feel she takes orders from the rich corporate donors like the last 3 presidents and that's why for the last 30 years the working class stays struggling,how can anyone disagree with that?

  7. Exactly Joe,trusting the last 3 presidents and look where it has got us,20 trillion in debt,blacks and college age kids in the worst financial shape in 30 years.

  8. Isn't the content of said e-mails the concern and subject? I don't care if they came from Russia, a child in daycare or Al Gore. What the e-mail uncovers is what I find interesting, although they don't seem to do harm to the fat female candidate.

  9. I am female and I agree completely with your statement. And further, I support and will vote Trump/Pence. I actually can think and reason for myself, and I am no one's drone.

  10. Been stating this scenario and people has been saying I am paranoid and it is impossible this scenario could occur. There is also two other scenarios I have brought up so lets see if anyone can state those.

  11. The time for change is here. Hillary is not change.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    U.S. intelligence are the ones saying the Russians are behind the hack.
    Try to keep up.

    October 24, 2016 at 3:55 PM

    Until Putin admits to such a thing, I will never believe that or anything else that comes out of a politician's mouth. Sad to say but I put more trust in Putin and HIS media than I do our own.

    You know why our pols are saying that? Because OUR pols and OUR gov't have been doing similar things for decades. They might call it regime change or championing democracy, ousting tyrants, etc.

    You know how you can spot a dem from a repug or anyone else? Just watch and listen. They will accuse others of the exact same thing they are doing. It's an old tactic. They do this, and other things, to deflect the spotlight away from them and their deeds.

    Trouble is, it oftentimes works. Just look at these false poll numbers that show killary winning. It's all a lie. I know it, you know it and they know it. They don't care. They know they will not win this election on the up and up. They intend on stealing it like they have done for 50 years. The false and inflated numbers are to show some plausibility in her winning.

    If she was showing 10-20 pts below Trump, you think anyone would believe she would win? Well ok, there are some knuckleheads that would believe that but the majority of reasonably thinking people would not. And maybe they have to show plausibility to other countries. Who knows.

    I just can not imagine anything good coming out of a klinton admin. For us I mean. The rich and elite might receive some benefits but not us common folk.

    Even with a Trump victory we are not guaranteed a rosy future. But I still believe it would be much better than a killary victory. Trump has a tall order to fill. A lot of people, myself included, base all their hope on him. If he can't deliver, our future and the future of this country remains bleak.

    These are crappy times and this spectacle of an election does offer some distractions from it but also reminds us of what is ahead. We cannot afford to sit back and gloat if we win. We still need to continue to keep pols accountable. One person, billionaire or not, cannot fix all our ills.

    If nothing else, think of how people are beginning to come together to defeat evil in the name of killary. We must continue to come together and fight for the common good. If we could destroy the division we have, which their power comes from, we could also destroy them and their power. THAT is what they are really terrified of and the biggest threat Trump is to them.


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