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Friday, October 07, 2016

Parkinson's? Hillary's head shakes during Harrisburg press conference


  1. A lot of nodding going on to cover the involuntary nodding so prevalent in those afflicted.

  2. Come on man, she's just nodding her head haha

    1. I have to agree. Looks like active listening to me.

    2. Maybe she is thinking about the waiver she signed to arm 9 year old to fight in the Sudan army. Or maybe the millions she gave to Saudi Arabia to purchase arms WE Supplied. Nah, probably thinking about when she voted YES for the patriot act, the war, nafta, raising taxes, deregulation of Wall Street, taking the power away from the inspector general to audit the federal reserve. The list goes on and on. Keep cheering!!

    3. Either way a republic will win the election. I'm voting trump simple fact I'm not voting for a career politician ever again. Clinton will say anything and do nothing per obama and I agree. If she wins her taxes will suck and she will definitely bomb someone. She has voted yes to every war in my life time. However it will be funny watching all the people she screws over. Lol.

  3. I am not a Hillary backer by any stretch of the imagination, this does not look like Parkinson's head shaking. Parkinson's head shaking is more movement from left to right, front to back with no control, this does not appear to be the case in this particular video.

  4. I don't like her but she's just
    acknowledging the reporters.
    Amazing how people make mountains
    out of mole hills,
    especially about Donald!

  5. 12:57 has it. She is nodding on purpose to keep her head busy so it doesn't go into uncontrollable wobbles. She does the same with her hands. One holds the mike and the other she always holds up w/her thumb to a finger. Parkinsons sufferers are taught to do this when they attend therapy.


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