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Friday, October 07, 2016

Obama’s tragic admission: He’s learned nothing as president

News flash: President Obama didn’t learn anything in eight years in the White House. And he’s proud of it.

As Obama admitted in an interview with New York magazine: “If you go back and you read speeches I made when I was running for the US Senate in 2003, or if you go back further and you look at statements I made when I was on the Harvard Law Review, my worldview is pretty consistent.”

The comment was a point of pride, which makes it doubly tragic. Once the smartest man in the room, always the smartest man in the room.

Never mind that the world is on fire, that America is polarized, angry and scared. Or that ObamaCare is a sick patient, that the economy is growing at a snail’s pace and that many cities are racial war zones.

It’s not Obama’s fault. None of it. He would do it all again.



  1. He's the smartest man in the room when he's the only man in the room.

  2. Worst President ever.

  3. You can't learn anything when you know it all

  4. He's not smart then either.


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