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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Obamacare Architect Gruber Demands "Larger Mandate Penalty"

Bureaucrat who said "stupidity" of Americans helped get law passed doubles down

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber – the bureaucrat who once bragged that the “stupidity” of the American people was crucial for passing the health care law in the first place – told CNN that the “fix” for Obamacare was to impose a “larger mandate penalty”.

CNN’s CAROL COSTELLO: “So let’s talk about how exactly you can fix Obamacare. I just need you to be specific because I think people really want answers. So Hillary Clinton says she can fix Obamacare. So what would one fix that would drive premiums down?”

JONATHAN GRUBER: “Look, once again, there’s no sense it has to be fixed. The law is working as designed. However, it could work better. And I think, probably the most important things experts would agree on is we need a larger mandate penalty“…



  1. In other words, the working class people cannot afford the policy because they get no government hand out. However, if the government forces them to buy the over priced insurance, then their payment will make up for the poor people.

    Classic Communism.

  2. I can barely contain myself at his outrageous statements.

    It is working as designed? By putting the middle class in poverty?

    As of 2017 I will be uninsured. Because it does not work. I can not afford it, and there are less and less options.

    The last two years has cost me 10K a year between premiums, deductibles and co pays. That is 1/3 of my net wages and I do not get a subsidy.

    This has literally put me in poverty. I do not have cable, I have an old old cell phone, I do not have a house phone. I do not have wifi.

    Honestly I do not know what more I can do.

    I will buy the bullets......

  3. And I bet goober doesn't have to pay for his health care either
    Easier to say when your not part of the system

  4. 12:17....I'm feelin' ya.

    So are millions of middle class (and FORMER middle class) voters. Our leaders are so much more concerned for people who have ran, swam, jumped, or just walked into this country than they have EVER been for the people who work and pay taxes. People who don't break the law, raise their children with two parents, teach them right and wrong and try to go about their daily lives under ever increasing tax burdens and penalties.
    If you work, you are a target. For the IRS, for the local governments, for the police, for everyone who has any kind of authority to reach into your pocket and your bank account to TAKE what they please.
    We have fought WARS over less than that, so don't worry about bullets or manpower.
    We have a WHOLE LOT MORE of both of them than they do.
    It's a BIG swamp, but the sooner we get to draining it, the better the air will smell.
    Until then,
    Keep cheering.


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