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Sunday, October 23, 2016

North Carolina Republican Party Firebombed Overnight in Vicious Attack


  1. Where was hillary ?

  2. I think the republicans did it, Dems would have misspelled the graffiti

  3. Trump 2016!!! You cant stop making America great again.

  4. Democrats returning to their domestic terror roots.

  5. The Democrats have become nothing more than useless domestic terrorist that want war. Well, bring it on baby. considering you're the ones that don't believe in NRA, you're on the losing side of that proposition. Want to throw down bring it on.

  6. Democrats really have no idea who their messing with but they'll find out if they keep on this track. Didn't work for them in '68 and it's certainly not going to work out for them now.

  7. No it was Democrats, Republicans are smart enough to remember there's video surveillance everywhere.

  8. Democrats are compassionate people!

  9. Sure 833 we can see that from their handiwork. Some of the most vile individuals I've met in Salisbury calling people racists and what not have been Democrats. I don't think they're as compassionate as you'd like to believe. You guys are starting something you're going to be hard pressed to finish. Mess with the bull.

  10. Don't worry. James Comey is leading the investigation. No democrats will be indicted as there was no criminal intent.

  11. 834 James Comey will be lucky if he's not in jail in a few short months.

  12. Got to love liberal logic. It was the Nazis that painted hate speech on Jewish owned business. Stupid hypocrites.

  13. Still, it's strange. I drove the loop of 13 & 113 last Thursday including downtown Princess Anne. Yes, the ELECT DEMOCRATS sign is still there but I saw no more than a handful of Clinton campaign signs. Is it possible all those people watched the HILLARY'S AMERICA video? That video made it very clear that the Democratic Party always has and still advocates the demise of minorities (including slavery if necessary).

    We see the turnout supporting Trump but we see nearly NO evidence in the media that supports him. Maybe this is going to turn our to be a shocking upset that the Washington elite hoped would never happen.

  14. The group ANNONOMOUS states they have a video of bill c doing things.

  15. why are DEMOCRATS so violent?

  16. Some of that Liberal tolerance coming out!

  17. Clinton supporters and democrats as a whole need to address the fact that they all are inherently violent people. They can not argue otherwise when the fact stands the democrat platform is 100 percent the doctrine of satan. When you support the devil he can get into you at any time and cause you to be violent. There is no such thing as a moral, decent democrat. The platform doesn't allow for it so no matter how they spin it, lie about it, whatever if you are a democrat you are the worst of the worst an evil person who unless you change your wicked ways a place in hell is reserved for you.


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