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Thursday, October 27, 2016

NOI 10-26-16 Wicomico Northgate Suspicious Package



Date:  November 26, 2016         
Time:  12:35 pm
Location / Address: Social Security Administration 2414 Northgate Drive, Salisbury                   
Type of Incident:   Suspicious Package
Description of Structure / Property:  Single story commercial office building     
Owner / Occupants: Occupant: Social Security Administration
Injuries or Deaths: None
Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $    300     Contents: $ 0
Arrests(s): N/A
Primary Responding Fire Department: Salisbury Fire Department
# of EMS Staff:  2   # Of Firefighters: 5
OSFM On Scene Time: 3 hours
OSFM Case #: B22-16-187
Discovered By: Employees at Social Security Administration     
Nature of Service Requested: Suspicious Package
Action Taken/ Resolution: Diagnostics and render safe procedures
Assisting Agencies: Salisbury Police Department, Maryland State Police, Department of Homeland Security
Additional Information: Office of the State Fire Marshal Bomb Squad was notified by Salisbury Police Department of a suspicious package located in the mail room of the Social Security Administration’s mail room.  Bomb Technicians from the Office of the State Fire Marshal conducted diagnostic and render safe procedures to identify the contents of the package.  It was determined that the package contained personal items.  No further investigation by the OSFM.


  1. Was it full of welfare job apps?

  2. I like my sharp shooting, detail oriented, professional, bomb squad investigators to at least get the incident date correct before looking to "investigate".

  3. I wondered what that was. I thought that ICE might be coming in with a full busload.

  4. How was there $300.00 in damages ??

  5. Relax it hasn't happened yet Says Nov 26 2016

  6. Their mail room has its own mail room? I've never seen that!

  7. it would be nice if the memo had the correct date on it. we are still in the month of October. Duh i'm stupid !

  8. Leave it to the Salisbury (fire department) to investigate something that happened in the future and sent it out to the public. To be taken serious by anyone, you first have to proof read and actually double check your work before putting out to the world to see your incompetence.

    1. Well it's obvious you cannot read. It states that the OSFM investigated not SFD. Please make sure you actually "read" yes that's read, can you read that? Make sure you read before you reply.

  9. And they want $15.00/hr.? Wait a second, that's McDonalds. Ever try to use an expired coupon? They at least know what day it is.

  10. Leave it to 5:43 to bash the wrong organization. The office of the state fire marshal issued that media release not the SFD.

  11. Well now I know where I won't be November 26th...


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