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Sunday, October 23, 2016

No One's Laughing Now...

The LEAVES were given 5% chance of succeeding on the MORNING of the election! Still believe the polls?


  1. All the naysayers should watch this every day until November 9th.

  2. Well spoken and well said!!! The world needs more leaders like this man! I believe Trump will be direct and to the point just like Nigel Farage.
    Makes me proud of my British heritage!
    Totally direct and to the point, and to hell with who it may offend!!!

    1. 226 why do you think Nigel has been campaigning for Trump?! It's because they share values. Cherish their countries' sovereignties and freedoms from the globalism that has poisoned all wells.

  3. The British had the courage to take their destiny back. Do we?

    1. We'd better if we want to get America back to any semblance of prosperity and peaceful existence here or abroad.

  4. Nigel Farage Rocks! I have a Brit friend who came to this country 40 yrs ago. He was visiting England for the first time in over 25 yrs when the Brexit vote took place. We had a very interesting conversation about the vote and the demographics of it. I had been delighted to watch it live online as it went down. And every precinct that came in, I looked up the town and determined the potential income/class rankings of the voters. Across the board, if it was a Blue Collar town, the vote was 2:1 to exit. If it was an upper crust town, the vote was 5:3 to stay.

    In explaining this to my friend and my enthusiasm for the vote, he commented: "You sound like Nigel Farage." My response, "Nigel Farage Rocks!" Oh no, he's fringe. Very far out on the fringe.

    I didn't know what to say. He's a nice guy and has been very kind to me since I moved to my new town. But, I'm sorry... It doesn't seem like Nigel Farage is "fringe" to me... The bloody BREXIT vote was to Exit, friend. By a wide margin. That doesn't sound like fringe to me...


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