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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Wikileaks Emails: Clinton Campaign Insiders Fear Bill's Sex Life Could Sink Hillary

They should "shut the hell up about this," Podesta told

A new Wikileaks email dump released today reveals that some Hillary campaign insiders are petrified that Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual past could severely damage Hillary’s chances.

The revelation is of particular note because it dovetails with Donald Trump holding a press conference yesterday before the debate with three of Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse victims.

The email, which is marked “confidential,” was sent to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta by prominent left-wing journalist Brent Budowsky. It includes details of Budowsky’s exchange “with someone in the media,” who told him that, “there are people close to the Clintons who says WJC’s (William Jefferson Clinton) sex life could be damaging to her.”

Although Budowsky stresses his view that the more Bill Clinton the better for Hillary, he adds that, “there were people purportedly close to the Clintons pushing the line that the less WJC the better.”



  1. Just for you, Hillary, "Confidential" is what that "c" meant on the message header.

  2. Podesta just looks like a lying weasel. Dodged Hannity like a little bitch After the debate.

  3. C also stands for something I won't write with ladies present but you get the general idea.


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