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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Nancy O'Dell Responds to Trump's 2005 Comments: 'I'm Saddened'

"Entertainment Tonight" host Nancy O'Dell said that she is was "saddened" that Donald Trump's comments about her in a leaked audio recording "exist in our society at all."

Related Donald Trump Was Speaking About Nancy O'Dell in 2005 Video With Billy Bush

"Politics aside, I'm saddened that these comments still exist in our society at all. When I heard the comments yesterday, it was disappointing to hear such objectification of women," she said in a statement released by "Entertainment Tonight."

More here

Publishers Notes: WHY do we NOT hear anything about Billy Bush's behavior and participation in this matter?


  1. saddened by what? All Trump said was that stupid women will let celebrities "do what they want".

  2. This one should be more concerned with her own presentation than what others say about her. Doesn't appear to be a very classy woman with her little mess peeking out.

  3. Why do we not hear about Billy Bush? Because he is not running for President.

  4. I've said worse and my theory about the amount of women stars get is TRUE... for all the women out their if you think your man hasn't talked like this or worse to his buddy's your living in a FANTASY WORLD. Why else do they need a MAN CAVE. Please.

  5. I'm not going to say what I would love to do with Mr. Trump's wife, just in case I ever want to run for office. Oh heck, you have a idea I'm sure. Only thing is, I wouldn't lower my standards for any political office. Probably why we can't get qualified people to run, most have higher standards than politicians in the town, county, state and federal levels.

  6. Oh okay so now she's suddenly disappointed "to hear such objectification of women," More proof that all democrats do is lie. I wonder how many times this latest liar called out obama (or the musicians themselves) for inviting into his space all the musicians whose music is nothing but the "objectification of women."

  7. We don't care what Trump said ten or twenty years ago when he was a private citizen. He wasn't a politician then. So to quote Hillary "What difference does it make at this point". We care about taxes, jobs, economy, illegals, national defense. VOTE TRUMP

  8. As she says this with her breasts on display for the world.

  9. I bet she read 50 Shades of Grey three time like 50 million other women.

  10. Hmmm. if NBC had this information and were SO TROUBLED by it, why did they wait until now to release it? If Trump is such a monster, shouldn't they have said so from day one? And if they KNEW he was a monster and STILL used him for the Apprentice...who's evil now? Again, all he said (and it is true) is that (certain) women are star struck and will do ANYTHING to be with a celeb. That's it.

  11. 10:03 must not know a breast when he sees one or a pair. Looks like she is wearing a shirt to me. Must be one of those people that are offended at the beach with all those naked people running around.

  12. 11:51. I'm a female and know that if I exposed my breasts like Nancy Odell did in this picture many men will respond in a sexual way. Don't act like it's nothing. She is dressing like that for a mans attention. Get real.

  13. Billy Bush has been fired from the Today show. As he should have been. I have no respect whatsoever for him, or for Trump.

  14. what guy wouldn't want to hit that ?

  15. How many times has anyone reading here heard a woman use (or use herself) the expression, "got him by the balls"?

  16. She doesn't want women to be "objectified", but has no problem showing off her "objects".
    You can dress in ways that are designed to have men look at you in a sexual way, leaving as little to the imagination as possible, but you will get treated like you want to exhibit more and certain references WILL be made.

  17. Looks like a teeth whitener commercial with that crap eating grin.

  18. What a hypocrite-she wouldn't be on TV if she was was short, fat and ugly.

  19. Bush has been suspended over this.

  20. She was a stripper during her college years.

  21. She looks just like another host used to look.I'm sure the name is correct,but there used to be a Mary or Marianne or something like that.

  22. She can blame the Clinton camp for releasing the tape.

  23. Why would anyone care what someone thinks who was hired for looks and an ability to deliver information to the public via a show whose name starts with the word "entertainment"?

  24. I think that she looks creepy. What comes out of her mouth is irrelevant to me.
    How much did the DNC and the Clinton Foundation send her to reach the few people who think that what she thinks is valuable?


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