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Friday, October 21, 2016

More Maryland tax-filers move out than move in

Maryland had more tax-filers move out than move in last year, as families headed south to states such as Virginia and Florida.

The state saw a net loss of nearly 8,000 households, as 68,384 families opted to go abroad or to another state but just 60,429 moved in, according to new Internal Revenue Service data. About 63,356 households relocated within the state, said the IRS, which tracked the number of filers using a different address in 2015 than in 2014.

Much of the movement in and out was between Virginia and Washington, D.C. As in prior years, Florida saw the biggest net increase of Maryland families.



  1. If I didn't own my home free and clear and have older children here I would leave too. Many of my relatives have moved to NC or VA or FL, Actually most of them. Maryland is called the Free State..but it's only free for the lazy people.

  2. I know a lot of folks are moving across the state lines to go to gun friendly states.

  3. My grandmother just moved to Delaware last month.

  4. They should analyze the net worth of those leaving vs. those moving in. That would be REALLY telling.

  5. The median income in Talbot County is plunging; absolutely plunging! The rich people are moving out and the low income people are moving in. I don't have anything against low income people, even illegal immigrants, unfortunately there is not middle class money to support them. Look around a see the middle class leasure activities closing. The golf course on RT 404, Caroline C.C., golf course at Easton Club and I believe you have lost some too. Boating way down, hunting way down, etc.

    Under the global regime, middle class can't make enough to get ahead!

  6. When I retire, anytime now, I am out of this tax crazy leftist state as well!!!

  7. Dave T: Certainly pondering relocation myself. I'm tired of over regulation, deteriorating jobs and idiots in the state and local government. There's gotta be better places to live without this nonsense.

  8. 9:41
    You can do what we did. Own home here free and clear. Bought a home in FL and became FL residents. No state income tax. Spend 6 months each year in FL. Doesn't have to be 6 consecutive months. we enjoy the nice weather months in MD and the coldest months in FL. With the low interest rates, the income tax savings almost pays the mortgage.

  9. Looks like Hogan isn't doing much to bring people back much less stopping them from mass exodus.

  10. MD taxes retirement checks and taxes you to death. When wife retires we are gone to another State to eliminate or severely lower our taxes. We are tired of the rich getting all the breaks from MD and supporting the lazy a$$holes including illegals that get more back from the Government than I make along with all the freebies at tax payer expense.

  11. Most of my friends and relatives have moved to either NC or Florida. Since I own my house and still have Ten more working years until I can retire, I will stay here until that time and then move to NC. I've already updated my home to make it easier to be sold. After leaving this area, I realize there are much better places to live.

  12. Can't blame them compare property taxs in Marylands to delaware and Virginia ,no wonder peaple are moving out everything in Maryland is expensive, sucks!

  13. We've been here 6 years. Next year we are getting the HELL out. This is the worst place I've ever lived.

  14. Everyone up North moves South for lower taxes. When they get there they vote the same type people in that raised taxes in the North!. Liberals need to stay in the North and live with the people they have voted for and their high taxes.


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