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Monday, October 03, 2016

Minnesota ObamaCare rates jump 60% to avoid ‘collapse’

(Hotair) Seems that Washington DC isn’t the only place that’s learned the art of the Friday afternoon news dump. Minnesota Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman announced yesterday afternoon that the state had approved health insurance premium increases that will average 60% in MNsure, the state’s ObamaCare exchange. The statement blamed big losses by insurers in the state, and bad predictions about utilization rates, for the decision:

Rothman said that Minnesota’s rate increases are part of a national trend in the individual health insurance market, with nearly all states looking at double-digit rate increases as insurers seek to align premium revenues with expected claims costs. States’ rate increases are also exacerbated by cuts to critical federal programs that were intended to stabilize the market and rates for consumers.


  1. 60%! ?? !!
    Who in the heck thinks middle class families can keep up with rate hikes like these?
    We are getting CRUSHED.
    And Hillary brags about RAISING taxes? And still has people who will vote for her??
    keep cheering.

    1. YOU voted obama and YOU were supporting sanders. Don't play dumb now.

  2. Democrats are the only ones who didnt see this coming

  3. Medicare for all!

  4. I give up, F=it, I can't continue to afford this.
    May as well be a welfare pig
    They seem to be living better than I an I work for a living.

  5. they're not done with us yet! wait til the ruling class elites tell us we must BAIL OUT the insurance companies with our tax dollars!

  6. It's cheaper to pay the fine for not having it.

  7. The Affordable Care Act. Put the word "affordable" in front of anything and it's golden for the dumber and dumbest of Democrats.

  8. Obammy did a great job of making healthcare affordable for his welfare tit brethren. All you politically correct twats that thought it would prove you weren't a racist if you voted for this POS sold the rest of us out.


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