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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Maryland Doctor Who Treated Hillary Clinton for Blood Clot On Brain Mysteriously Dies

A shocking new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) says that the infamously named “Clinton Body Count” has now increased after a Maryland (US) based doctor was discovered dead this past week under mysterious circumstances—and who had, this past June, been part of a specialized medical team that removed a blood clot from the brain of Hillary Clinton. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, Hillary Clinton has long been known to have grave health issues since she collapsed in December, 2012, and that led to her first operation to remove a blood clot from her brain—and that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, recently stated took her 6 months to recover from.

This past summer, however, this report continues, on 30 June, SVR analysts state that Hillary Clinton collapsed on her private plan while in route to her Washington D.C. home and was unconscious when it landed at Joint Base Andrews—which is the home base of the 89th Airlift Wing that manages the flights of all top American officials, including the President.



  1. Just looked at this and wondering y no1 has had a comment its in md n no1 lookn up go 2 sleep w rest of people gonna b blindslided like survivor and people will talk about survivor now instead of look up truth

  2. Infowars.com another 2 list no1 cares about media wont thats y people dont no unless its on a paper or trending on fb

  3. I will have to add a new gravestone to Clinton Cemetery.

  4. Chicago, Illinois.


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