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Monday, October 24, 2016

Maryland adds 3,400 jobs, unemployment rate ticks down

Maryland added 3,400 in September, sending the unemployment rate down slightly to to 4.2 percent.

The drop comes after unemployment had been holding steady at 4.3 percent for the past three months.

The financial services sector added 1,500 jobs, while 4,900 new government jobs helped spur Maryland's job growth, according to preliminary data released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Professional and business services jobs increased by 700.

Meanwhile, many sectors lost jobs. Trade, transportation, and utilities lost 1,300 jobs and leisure and hospitality lost 1,600 jobs. The education and health services sector declined by 1,800 and the manufacturing sector decreased by 100 jobs.



  1. Is that 4900 federal or state govt jobs? The left cartel just adding more votes for Hillary. Govt jobs to do what ? Insane.

  2. 4900 new government jobs.

    Will someone find a list for us, because that's a lot of new gov't jobs when the gov't is supposed to be getting smaller.

  3. Banks are closing branches but adding more financial jobs,got to see proof of this.

  4. Yeah walmart.. target and the same ..all holiday jobs and after xmas they will be laid off. AND THE REAL UNEMPLOYMENT rate is a lot higher..there are so many people who refuse to work, given up or work under the table and havent applied for years..i havent ever recieved unemployment and i only work sporadically because my husband works a good job. I never am counted in the numbers, a lot of druggies do odd jobs or cut lawns..not counted and some people just walk around with thier thumb up thier butts on welfare for years..not counted either.


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