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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Man to serve jail time for Boardwalk melee

Court appearances for a handful of people who face charges relating to the Boardwalk brawl in July will continue into the winter, since three out of the four individuals had their trial dates recently rescheduled.

The fourth, 21-year-old Antwan Darryl English of Baltimore, pleaded guilty to second-degree assault of an officer on Monday morning in Ocean City District Court.

English was one of 11 people who were arrested for their parts in two large-scale confrontations with Ocean City Police on the Boardwalk on July 23 and July 24. The first incident was sparked when officers attempted to arrest Kevin Rusten of Silver Spring for kicking and throwing a trashcan near 1st Street and Atlantic Avenue around 9:45 p.m.

Rusten then punched an officer and attempted to head-butt another while resisting arrest. A hostile crowd formed while he was detained, and additional officers were called to help disperse the crowd.



  1. Big deal over nothing. Antwan was simply undergoing career training with the trashcan.

  2. 30 days on weekends....for assaulting an officer....so much for equlaity

  3. The US is destined to have the highest prison population of any country on Earth,so get over it and build a lot more prisons.At least one in every state.Some idiots actually think this trend will change,but it WILL NOT.The more diverse the dna factors are in any given country the higher the crime rate.Those of us who laugh about ourselves being 'Heinz 57's' are not seeing the mess this has created in other individuals.Make the US prison system the goliath that it is destined to be and get over it.That is unless you like the idea of millions of dangerous criminals being released to live among us.

  4. When you put him in jail, please throw away the key.

  5. He'll be sitting in jail for the next 15 or so weekends thinking that he shoulda just got on some rides and played a little SkeeBall.
    Then again, that group's mentality obviously shows that they think a vacation at the beach is just another chance to riot - this time on the Boardwalk - and to prove to everyone what total asshats they are.

  6. why do you morons keep living up to the stereotypes of your race? You are only hurting yourselves.

  7. Yet the attorney's daughter that hits and runs just pays a fine.....

  8. Let me show you how THUG-VILLE work the criminal justice system....1st Court appearance, no counsel present, at the defendants request, a new trial date is made so an attorney can be obtained....6 months later, the defendant comes in with Counsel, and counsel than asked the Judge for a Jury Trial....Judge grants the motion, and now a third Court date is scheduled 6 months later, so one year n later a trial date is set up with a Jury.....Counsel appears and tells the Judge that the Defendants illegitimate child had to be rushed to the emergency room, and requests a postponement....Judge grants the postponment, and reschedules another 6 months out....so 1+1/2 year later the trial comes up....Counsel is present, but the defendant FAILS TO REPORT....Judge asks Counsel..." where is your client?"....counsel says defendant is not answering his phone....A BENCH WARRANT IS ISSUED....yes, that is thug life and the court system....WHAT A JOKE!!! Best yet, our tax dollars pay for all this....


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