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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Locals Are Fed Up


  1. That this blog is very one sided. We will all suffer if either of these candidates become President but it will be worse if it is Trump.

    1. The USA has been on a down slide for years due to crooked politicians, both Dem and Rep. Obama put the icing on the cake sinking a once great country. So even if Jesus Christ himself was elected our next President this country will still suffer while getting back on track. IMO HilLIARy will do all in her power to be a "Ruler" and not a "President for the people". The Donald has a rough row to hoe to make the USA great again, but he will not fail the people. VOTE TRUMP

  2. 12:55 you are an idiot Go Trump

  3. 12:55....take your prescribed Opiates like all you liberals are on....and get off our page>>> Bozo nut job that you are....take your Hydrocodin or Vicadan...la la la.

  4. This countries problems don't fall on who gets elected president. We're a nation of moral decay, no honesty, integrity, a bunch of self absorbed lunatics

  5. 12:55 you should keep your day job, because comedy just isn't working for you.


  6. 12:55 PM - Give us some for instances. Otherwise, we'll just consider your opinion worthless.

  7. 12:55-- You need to get your head checked.

  8. @12:55 You have to be kidding right?? Because certainly a liar, thief and murderer are much better than a man who said the word "pu$$y" ?? I bet you voted for Obama who btw listens to the likes of Beyoncé and other rappers whose lyrics are far far worse than what Trump said. And people wonder why our country is in the shape it's in!! But you go ahead and vote for Hillary and see what that gets ya!

  9. 1:05
    Easy Zorro...I am on The Trump Train till the end of the ride and I like me some hydro, oxy, and mo.

    Trump/Pence 2016

  10. That is cool...right around the corner from where I live. Have meant to take a shot of that. Hillary behind the fence, where she should be

  11. Brilliant. True. This image says it all!

  12. How much is the DNC paying 12:55 to troll?

  13. 12:55 isn't getting paid. He is probably just entitled. Lol

  14. DemocRATS destroying America this is our last STAND.

  15. Someone should make posters of the Podesta emails and put them randomly around

  16. Lock her up, lock her up and throw the keys far, far, far away.


  17. Get rid of Obama care and I will vote for who ever thanks for taking my thousand this year jerk.

  18. 1255 with All the email hacks and Wikileaks information available to YOU showing the HUGE AMOUNT of corrupt with CLINTON you can't possibly think that!!! Even if you were just voting based on party it would be absurd to vote for her.

    1. 12:55 ony watches cnn and doesn't read any truths on sby news

  19. I am a republican and not pro trump. In fact, I'm not voting for either one of the mainstream candidates..

    1. Sucks not having a RINOs to vote for.

  20. 6:02, that worked for me in the last election, as Obama and Romney had basically the same platforms, so it really didn't matter which one got elected as we all know third party won't win, but need to get more consideration so I voted that way... LAST TIME.

    THIS TIME, things are vastly different in that still, we all know the third party won't win, but either a proven criminal who disdains the American People or a successful, loving man who wants to enforce our Founding Fathers' principles will win.

    Your vote for a third party takes away a vote from Trump, and puts a criminal one vote ahead.


  21. The real story is the aftermath of this election!! As the saying S••• about to hit the fan

  22. I have a large display that will be going up in my yard tomorrow as well. Stay tuned to SBYnews as I will be giving Joe the exclusive pictures. I have been working on it all week and am glad to see I'm not the only one.


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