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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study says guns on college campus is a bad idea

BALTIMORE, Md. - A new study released by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health states the risks outweigh the benefits when it comes to students and others carrying guns on campus.

"There's really no reliable evidence that bringing guns onto campus would make the campus safer and there's a lot of good reasons bringing guns into a college environment that could actually make that college less safe," Johns Hopkins professor Jon Vernick said.

Vernick specializes in gun violence research and helped prepare the publication. While he believes students are at a higher risk to hurt themselves and others during college, students themselves say guns can protect them and others.

"The only guns that are going to be able to stop that criminal from behaving illegally are guns that are going to be obtained legally," Johns Hopkins graduate student Thomas Pangia said.



  1. Tell students at Temple University that tonight! Look about 5 stories down, folks.

  2. Bloomburg? No wonder they came to this stupid conclusion.

    Gun Free zones are a bad idea. Gun Free zones are like a sign to criminals saying "Lots of unarmed people here to rape and pillage"

  3. Maybe we should feel safe living in society without needing to carry a gun 24/7 to protect ourselves like this is a John Wayne movie. We could also start putting attack dogs at every school. Tigers?

  4. Anon 9:53PM - Which hours of the 24/7 cycle would you recommend that no one carries a firearm for protection? I would feel safer with a knife or a katana (like Machone carries) personally .

    No, I think that college kids who have legally attained weapons and the proper training should be allowed. I would like to think, and I could very well be wrong here, that anyone with the proper training would have the attitude to go along with that training to realize that guns and drinking do not go together just like drinking and driving do not go together.

    Just my two cents.


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