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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Jack Abramoff: I Was Imprisoned for Same Things Hillary Clinton Has Done

Former GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff said that he and others have been incarcerated for the same activities Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was involved in through her activities with the Clinton Foundation while secretary of state.

“[Clinton] is the most corrupt person in the history of the United States to get this close to the presidency, including by leaps and bounds [former President] Warren Harding,” Abramoff said during an interview with “The Jamie Weinstein Show” published Thursday.

Abramoff said that Clinton had some improper dealings between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department while she served as secretary of state.

“Her staff — Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin — were very involved in facilitating donors getting special access,” he said.

“Even if all of the money that she extracted and [former President Bill Clinton] extracted from these world leaders in exchange for the favors they did in the State Department went to altruistic purposes, it is still improper.”


1 comment:

  1. Wonder how many sword-fallen will come forward about their time served for Clinton's criminal activities. Let's hope he has enrolled in a solid witness protection program.


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