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Thursday, October 13, 2016

In 2013, Clinton Said She Wanted 'More Successful Business People' to Run for Office

Three years ago, long before she and Donald Trump publicly announced their intention to run for president, Hillary Clinton said she wanted to see "more successful business people run for office" because their money and their success gives them a "certain level of freedom."

According to speech exerpts released by WikiLeaks, Clinton made the comments before the Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit on October 29, 2013..

In his debate with Clinton on Sunday, Trump asked her why she isn't putting more of her own money into her presidential campaign.

"Now, Hillary mentioned something about contributions -- just so you understand. So I will have in my race more than $100 million put in -- of my money, meaning I'm not taking all of this big money from all of these different corporations like she's doing. What I ask is this.

"I ask Hillary, why doesn't -- she made $250 million by being in office. She used the power of her office to make a lot of money. Why isn't she funding, not for $100 million, but why don't you put $10 million or $20 million or $25 million or $30 million into your own campaign?"

"Well--" Clinton started to respond, when debate moderator Martha Raddatz cut her off:

"Thank you very much. We're going to get on to one more question," Raddatz said.

Read more here


  1. Isn't it wonderful when your wishes come true?

  2. Martha Raddatz got the cutoff order from above in her earpiece. She was just a tool.

  3. More successful business people?

    Poof! It is made so.


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