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Monday, October 03, 2016

I'm Confused, Since When Do Women Carry A Wallet In Their Back Pocket?

While WBOC subjects their viewing audience with cheap infomercials, this one tops them all. A guy goes running up to a woman's butt as if she has a wallet in it trying to electronically hack her information. 

Now I could see if it was a man but quite frankly if I was a woman I'd be seriously offended by this crap. 

Then they try to convince you that you can fit even more things into this wallet. Really, are you people that stupid? Do the people at WBOC actually view these commercials first or is it all about the money and stupid viewers. Then again, they did create Outdoors Delmarva.  


  1. A wallet won't fit in the pocket with a big ole cell phone already in there, maybe a charge of tobacco too.

  2. why the dig at outdoors delmarva? They gotta find something for "Capt Willie" to do. HAHA. I do think the Tawes boy is likeable but he gets it honestly from his grandpa.

  3. What did you create? Everything you have tried has failed!

  4. Why do you watch a channel you hate so much? Vote with your remote...and stop bit*hing to us. You're preaching to the choir Joe. Geez.

    1. sounds like you're bitching buttlump... it's just commentary... Joe is good at it..... now go down to the flooded park and relax

  5. What's wrong with outdoors Delmarva? Judging by your pale skin joe you could stand to go outdoors a little more often

  6. WBOC has hit the bottom , I did see them going after Trump with the Tax issue , but never mentioned how it was obtained or the news paper that obtained it didn't pay taxes in 2014 , WTF!! WBOC sucks .

  7. 7:23, Funny how you make such a statement. I've done plenty and everything I've done, (business wise) has been a great success.

    That being said, forget about all my former successful businesses, let's just take a look at this Blog. Are you suggesting this too hasn't been a success?

    7:32, Entertainment value. For example, this morning, didn't you feel like you were watching Salisbury News YESTERDAY?

    7:38, I'm not a hunter but I will tell you this. One former reporter quit because WBOC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars with an outside company to find out who their audience actually is. In the end they came to learn the mass majority were redneck/hunters, as I was told. The reporter moved on to bigger and better.

    7:56, you are clearly one of those people WBOC spent so much money on.

    1. There is a bg difference in "being told" and "proof provided"

      Trump will give you a job in his new cabinet when he reads on here about your business success - it appears (though I have no proof but words from your mouth) you are in the same League as the DONALD

  8. The commercial is very oppressive to white men and especially white men with a beard. Commercial systemically racist to Caucasians.

  9. People just don't like the truth , I really don't know why , I've guessed that it is pure ignorance like most college graduates.

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