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Saturday, October 22, 2016

‘I Had Nothing to Do With That!’ Obama Dodges Blame For Skyrocketing Premiums

President Barack Obama offers multiple excuses for why health insurance premiums continue to skyrocket, including blaming Republicans and insurance companies for the problems.

He complains that too many reporters spend more time discussing premium increases than explaining why he isn’t responsible for them.

“No, I had nothing to do with that,” Obama said, calling it “complicated” despite the “hysteria” that was growing.

Obama traveled to Florida to argue that Obamacare was working well, but needed to be fixed.

During his speech, he pointed out that when smart phone companies released a product that had bugs in it, they fixed it.

“Unless it catches fire. Then they pull it off the market,” he admitted, likely referring to the disastrous exploding Samsung Galaxy S7.

But the president argued that companies weren’t trying to repeal smart phones, but rather fix the problems with the modern devices rather than return to rotary dial up phones.



  1. I'd be willing to bet the instructions for assembling a smartphone is wwaaaaaaayyyyyy less than 2,500 pages long!

    His comparison makes about as much sense as trying to get bacon from cows.

  2. And it was the Galaxy Note 7, not the S 7!

  3. This proves we have a gigantic "idiot" as a President comparing a someones's life to a cell phone. That is the DemocRAT way. My life is more important and worth a hellava lot more than a stinking cell phone.

  4. He owns it. His legacy will be how it kills lives instead of helping a persons health.

  5. His legacy is nothing and a great deal of it. A real sleaze.

  6. Obama is nothing more than a puppet and a fool. He goes out and does what his puppet masters tell him to do. Hillary is the replacement puppet.

    Trump is the real deal.

    Vote Trump!

  7. Believe me as stupid as Obama is everything is complicated to him even cooking his own breakfast


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