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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hillary’s Strange Head Movements Were The Talk Of The Debate

Hillary Clinton’s strange head movements were the topic of conversation as the final presidential debate was underway Wednesday night.

As the two candidates sparred on stage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for 90 minutes, the Democratic nominee rocked her head back and forth as Donald Trump answered questions from the moderator Chris Wallace.

Viewers at home quickly noticed Clinton’s strange behavior.



  1. She was probably laughing at Trump using the word "bigly".

  2. She under drugs are not on the market are experimental and prototypes drug's and mixture should have killed her while in the blood stream.

  3. 10:40
    Clean out your ears. He said BIG LEAGUE.

  4. 11:07 LOL yes he did !

  5. I had to clean up my floor from the crap that came out of Clinton's mouth and soaked through the screen. Her s**t eating grin just makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

  6. I saw hand signals. She scratched her upper lip more than once when Trump was talking. I think she might have had a wireless device and the signals were for help with her rebuttal or that she needed help? I also notice some strange jerky head movements. Almost as if she was some kind of robot. Noticed she seem to smile on queue. Something about that smile that makes me cringe! Did you notice she wore a chairman Mao type suit and no American Flag was displayed?

  7. She obviously is a sick peorson. Sick in the head and sick on the body..no doubt she's paid her doctors to says he is healthy.that would be easy compared to all the campaigning violence and election fixing she's trying to get done. We need an independent doctor to do an evaluation of her.

  8. I noticed she would look straight at the camera and open her eyes all the way, pause, then look at him. She did that alot near the end.

  9. Her teeth while all there appeared rotten looking. At the minimum they are very discolored.

  10. Her teeth look like most of the eastern shores mouth, all decayed and yellow.

  11. Seems her outfits are very bulky. Maybe hiding a light weight framework to hold her up straight. She walks very gingerly and erect for her age.

  12. Ha Ha...I thought he was saying bigly also. However when I turned up the volume and heard other commentators repeat what he said it definitely is big league which must be a New York quip.

  13. I think she is the queen of dope. I bet the doctors give her so many needles of some drug to keep her upright and minimally functioning to pull off these debates. Clearly she wasn't performing well.

    She deflects questions, fails to answer and her responses are all memorized mini speeches which she repeats over and over, and over and over, and over and ov....sorry by button got stuck just likes Hillary's lol!

  14. Strange behavior for a strange woman, there has to be a billion stories out there about her, people who have worked for her and relatives who have disassociated themselves with the Clintons.

  15. Her head could spin all the way around and the media would still not talk about her the way they pick at Trump. His sniffles would get more coverage than her head spinning.


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