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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary's Nonsensical Gun Control Spiel During Final Debate

Hillary Clinton flip-flopped her way through answering a question on gun control during Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate.

Clinton first told moderator Chris Wallace that while she is a strong believer in the Second Amendment, she also believes “there can be, and there must be reasonable regulation.”

“I want people who shouldn’t have guns not to be able to threaten you, kill you or members of your family,” she continued. “When I think about what we need to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. I think we need comprehensive background checks, we need to close the online loophole, close the gun show loophole.”

“There are other matters that I think are sensible that are the kind of reforms that would make a difference that are not in any way conflicting with the Second Amendment,” Clinton added. “You mentioned the [District of Columbia V.] Heller decision, and what I was saying that you referenced, Chris, was that I disagreed with the way the court applied the Second Amendment in that case.”



  1. This was one big lie. Hillary will push for Australian style confiscation. Do not kid yourself. I can not believe that Trump missed his chance to nail her on this. She is on record.

  2. She is a lying B!tch. She will do a mandatory confiscation given the chance.

  3. You know, during this moment in the debate, I could've sworn I heard the song Kumbaya playing softly in the background. Was it some subliminal seduction move?

  4. Bravo Sierra! "It's about the small children getting their hands on guns because their parents were too stupid to have their guns in a protected space". Nah, her ultimate goal is as stated above, an Australian style confiscation.

    No thanks.

  5. Well, see NQU this is the thing. Responsible gun owners who aren't harden criminals, teach their children safety and already put gun locks and have gun safes. She's trying to suggest that ALL gun owners are irresponsible. I wish she'd stop having bipolar moments. Does she loves criminals or not? One minute she makes the country responsible to vote but not responsible enough to have their RIGHT to firearms.

  6. Agreed 12:11PM. The "woman" sickens me to no end. I wish that there had been a strobe light on her last night. That would have been a hoot watching her convulsions.

  7. Oh NQU, if you watch it again, you'll notice there's a couple "glitch in the Matrix" moments where she couldn't keep up with the voices, earpiece in her head. She actually faltered a lot last night. Damn Huma! Must have been talking too fast. She probably got a glass upside the head when they got in the van to go to her big bird.

  8. I mean, Mother Ship.

  9. Take your neighbors or others to vote Trump...we are fighting the Democrat Mafia....hell, they just stole 6.2 Trillion dollars from our currency...

  10. The US government must take the guns before the economic collapse can be allowed to happen. It is a priority. Top priority.

  11. We already have background checks. In Maryland you have to have a license to even buy a handgun in which you have to take an eight hour class to get the license. Then you buy the gun you have to wait 7 to 10 days to pick it up. After the State Police do a background check and say it is ok. And for a permit to carry you have to have an eight hour class, be finger printed, qualify on the shooting range and be interviewed by a State Trooper, and give a specific reason why you need it, Like carrying large amounts of money or something. You cannot just get a permit for self defense. I think that is plenty enough to go through to get a gun or a permit we don't need more gun laws. It is a known fact that Bill Clinton and almost all the Democrats are gun grabbers and want to confiscate all guns except for the military and police.


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