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Thursday, October 13, 2016

#HillaryHatesAmericans Trending After Wikileaks Bombshell — Hillary's Advisor Admitted She Hates Us All

Another reason the mainstream media has narrowed its focus on some decade-old Trump comments is a sad attempt to steer America clear of another damaging batch of 2016 Hillary campaign chair John Podesta’s emails courtesy of Wikileaks.

This time you can choose between an email showing that Hillary and her foundation took $25 million from Saudi Arabia even through the nation was knowingly funding ISIS:
According to a leaked Hillary Clinton email, Saudi Arabia was directly funding ISIS. They also gave $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Or the fact that even Hillary’s own campaign knows their queen secretlyhates — that’s the word that was used, hates — average Americans:



  1. Some of us figured that out the first time we ever heard and saw her speak. She has an arrogant, dismissive quality that can't easily be hidden, although she tries hard to do it.

    We are not fooled and we will not be dismissed.

  2. Everything this whore says and does is CALCULATED. Smile on cue to prove she's not an arrogant, cold, and heartless.
    Controls her events like a stage play.
    Tells "we, the people" one thing, then goes to private speeches and says something entirely different. The OPPOSITE of what she says to the people.
    Millions are swooning over this tramp.
    Keep cheering.

  3. Drive by Salisbury University... "President Janet Dudley Do Nothing" has Clinton Signs every where down Camden Ave....trying further to brain wash students. .CONFLICT OF INTEREST>>>> DONUT EATER JANET!!!


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