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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hillary raises eyebrows with Muslim claim

Trump defends policies on vetting, investigating immigrants from dangerous countries

Were Muslims partially responsible for American independence?

Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows with a questionable claim during Sunday’s fiery presidential debate by stating Islam was always part of American history – even since the Revolutionary War.

After recycling the Khizir Khan controversy, the Democrat nominee claimed “we’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington.”

Several conservatives found humor in this seemingly overlooked part of colonial American history.



  1. Clinton obvious is not up on her American History. Islam was bounced from US by Jefferson. He read the Koran and wrote about it often. One thing he made perfectly clear to everyone in that day is Islam is not just a religion, it's also a political and judicial system. One that as he stated, "creeps with rapidity should left unfettered."

    Jefferson adamantly opposed Islam. Also, little known fact is in 1952 Islam was banned from America and that ban still exists today! It's never been overturned or nulled. It is still in books for enforcement. It was used in 1978 by Jimmy Carter when he evicted all Muslims from the US after Iran overtook our Embassy and held Americans hostage.

    People need to learn history especially US History. Moral Narcissists like Clinton bank on people being ignorant of history and misquote or completely revise it every time they pen their speeches. They are banking on YOU being stupid. Wise up! You're about to lose all the Amendments if you don't get the 411.

  2. I'm guessing the Muslims they're talking about were slaves. The Arabs had "converted" large portions of Africa to Islam long before the slave trade to the Americas began.

  3. 1120 there were no Muslim slaves. Sorry to burst your attempt to gin up upset by quoting fiction.

  4. There were, however, Muslim slave traders.

  5. What Hillary failed to tell people in Debate the other night is the Khans profit from Immigrants from Middle East. Mr. Khan, a lawyer, charges $500,000 per immigrant to gain access to US. She didn't mention this because she's the one who got him access to make such promises to people in the ME.

    Another thing she conveniently forgot to mention is that Mr. Khan also promotes Sharia law to replace our Jurisprudence and the Constitution! Two articles below from the SUMMER you should have read so you can spot Clinton's BS.

    Voters, do your homework!


  6. Anon 11:20 AM: The Founding Fathers and Islam. I'm not sure that I believe that this really implied Islam but it had to a certain extent in order to proclaim religious freedom for all religions. With regard to Muslims in the country since the time of our Constitution and before, the same article references converted slaves but once again I don't know if I buy into it.

    Hope this helps.

  7. NQU (sounds globalism-ish in acronym) :)
    The point is Clinton has no command of US History regarding Islam in America's Colonial period. She being the moral narcissist she is, thinks her 'facts' are buyable to Americans, depending on their ignorance of their own homeland history. The fact is, she's sadly in error when she proclaims Muslims had a hand in founding America. They did not. Islam is a complete system of governance, religion and legal. It's not just a religion. She should know this as many times she claims to have traveled to Middle Eastern regions.

  8. Wikileaks just showed she has even said, (in her private Hillary persona no doubt) that there is NO WAY to vet the refugees to make sure they're not terrorist. Her public self says, "Who cares!" Ah what a tangle web we weave ----

  9. Anon 1200PM: I posted on my FB page within a minute of her making that statement something contrary about it. The link that posted here was one that my old Civics teacher in high school sent to me. Being the contrarian that I have become I feel that the article is a whitewashed version of history that is being told in such a way to make whoever might stumble upon it "think" that Muslims have always been woven into the American fabric. I think the Hilliary is full of $#!+ personally and I agree with your statement about Islam being a system of governance, one that does not separate the workings of the state from religion.

  10. She is so disingenuous .

  11. EVERY race has been enslaved at one point in their history and that includes muslims who practically invented slavery.

  12. "Anonymous said...

    1120 there were no Muslim slaves. Sorry to burst your attempt to gin up upset by quoting fiction.

    October 11, 2016 at 11:21 AM"

    This is not true. You are without any doubt unequivocally WRONG! Many of the slaves from Africa were in fact Muslim but were unable to practice their religion here and were forced to convert to Christianity. What you are saying is FICTION and don't even attempt to argue with me because another fact for you-I have forgotten more on this subject then you can ever ever hope to know.

  13. ANYONE that votes dem is a Traitor to AMERICA.

  14. Islam is banned in USA and has been since 1952! They need to ENFORCE the law!


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