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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

He's With Her: Inside Paul Ryan's Months-Long Campaign to Elect Hillary Clinton President

Donald Trump made headlines this week when he questioned whether Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan wanted him to prevail over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“Maybe not,” Trump told Good Morning America on Tuesday. “Because maybe he wants to run in four years… or maybe he doesn’t know how to win. I mean, who can really know?” Trump said.

The view that Ryan “doesn’t know how to win,” however, neglects the reality that both Ryan and Clinton share a progressive, globalist worldview, which is at odds with Trump’s “America first” approach. Indeed, both Clinton and Ryan have said that they see themselves as representatives not only for American citizens, but also for foreign nationals and foreign interests. This view that the needs of foreign citizens are equal to the needs of American citizens reflects the belief that Americans are only part of many interest groups that a lawmaker ought to consider when crafting legislation—even as he or she negotiates with other countries, which always put their citizens first.

“I am delighted to be the Senator from Punjab [India] as well as from New York,” Clinton reportedly told a group of Indian-Americans on Capitol Hill in 2005. “I can certainly run for the Senate seat in Punjab and win easily,” Clinton told a group of Indian donors on a separate occasion. Clinton’s remarks became the subject of a hard-hitting 2007 memo circulated by the Obama campaign that labeled his Democratic primary opponent as “Hillary Clinton (D-Punjab)”– implying that Clinton represents foreign nations and citizens rather than her own American constituents.



  1. She represents whomever is going to make the largest donation to the Clinton Foundation. You gotta pay to play....

  2. Certainly he's with her - nothing but scum, just like her.

  3. Eddie Munster for Hillary

  4. OBAMACARE going to go up 25% come jan ??? This is a Huge story.

  5. He is a Treasonous POS.

  6. Needs to be a term limit in Congress period... way too much good ole boy corruption in play


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