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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Health department advises pre-teens to get HPV vaccine

With the school year underway, the Worcester County Health Department is reminding parents to confirm their pupils are up-to-date on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

The Health Department is advising children of both genders between the ages of 11 and 12 to receive the vaccine this year. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.

In a press release, Travis Brown, county health department spokesperson, said HPV can also lead to cervical and other cancers.

“Fortunately, HPV vaccination is safe and effective and protects both males and females from the diseases potentially caused by HPV,” he said.

Statistically, Brown said roughly 79 million Americans are infected with HPV, with approximately 14 million new cases occurring each year.



  1. HPV is well documented to be a bad vaccine.
    Don't get this vaccine!

  2. Ah more propaganda from big Pharma. They tried their best to push this as a mandatory vaccination to start high school.

    Did you now that we now vaccinate millions of women to protect only around 1,000 who get this?

    Money, greed, money, greed, money, greed.
    Hey I got an idea.
    Find a CURE, and not poison everyone! Or would you not make as much MONEY!

  3. It doesn't work very good for birth control

  4. More sexualization of children.

  5. I refuse to allow my daughter to get this vaccine, even though I've been told for years its "safe", yeah right, keep talking idiots.

  6. 2:48 it will take years for the final outcome to materialize on what this vaccine has done to the thousands of children this has been forced upon

  7. If you want to be infertile, get the shot.
    Agenda 21 for population control.
    It's not safe! Don't do this to your children.
    Thank god my kids did not have this!!!!

  8. Doctors must get a kickback because they promote this to parents at every doctor visit.....find out the facts before you submit your kid to this!!! HPV is sexually transmitted,so unless your pre-teen is sexually active,they have no use for it.It's genital warts,similar to a herpes outbreak and cannot cause cancer unless someone catches it!Educate yourself as parents.

  9. This is the vaccine that Texas Gov Rick Perry made mandatory under color of law. A lot of shady connections between Perry and Merck came out in the wash: http://www.npr.org/2011/09/16/140530716/in-texas-perrys-vaccine-mandate-provoked-anger

    It is currently thought (we don't know much in absolute terms) that HPV is not the cause of cervical cancer. There have been plenty of lawsuits that regarding health issues with the vaccine, though.

  10. Just read the comments here.

    Sounds like we are all on the same page.
    Big Pharma is evil and lies to us.
    We don't trust Big Pharma, and by deduction, we don't trust doctors.

    The doctors should have thought of this event before they began spouting everything the Pharma Companies sell to them.

  11. Well I wish that I had had the option of this vaccine. Nothing will make you feel like less of a woman than to remove your ability to have children before you ever have the chance. So all of you need to ask yourself this question....if my daughter had gotten this vaccine would it have prevented her from having to have a hysterectomy??? Believe me I live with that emptiness every day.

  12. It's a cancer vaccine.

  13. 409
    Big Pharma wants you to question your decisions.
    They want to put their poison into our bodies.

    I am very sorry for your daughter's misfortune.
    I however, do not believe this vaccine would help anyone at all.
    It will do plenty of damage.

  14. @4:09

    I am truly sorry for your health issues. There are plenty of cases pointing to Gardasil causing ovarian problems. Maybe it could help your particular problem. Maybe not.

    I'm not saying it's evil incarnate. But we don't know what it does or how effective it really is.

    The big issue is having control over your own body. I'm all for having the option available to somebody. Know the risk, and make your decision. But once you force medical procedures on somebody, know that you have lost the right to make your own decisions, too.

  15. The medical industry wants us to be sick.
    They work with Big Agriculture and Big Chemical to poison us.
    Then, they provide a remedy for our symptoms.
    Profit, Profit, Profit.

    Think: Bayer (Bauer) merger with Monsanto (MY Satan).

  16. Just say no. Does anyone remember thalidomide?

  17. Government is in bed with pharmaceuticals that many times create more health problems than they solve.
    Federal Agencies that are supposed to protect us set us up to be guinea pigs so that we will have continuing problems because this creates jobs. America economy is based on services not manufacturing, so industries like health care are where the jobs and money are. Politicians call it economic development.


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