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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

'Head Space': How Hillary Clinton's Inner Circle Tiptoes Around Her Health Issues

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign officials regularly discuss and assess the Democratic presidential candidate’s mental well-being, according to several conversations seen in Wikileaks’ release of campaign chairman John Podesta’s purported email accounts.

Monday’s new batch of emails revealed a new thread, flagged by The American Mirror, showing that Clinton’s state of mind worried Podesta enough to reach out to the campaign’s Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri — presumably because she was face-to-face with Clinton.

Podesta’s message simply says “How bad is her head?” under the subject heading “Any sense of whether and when she wants to talk?”

Podesta’s phrasing here calls to mind a term that the campaign’s inner circle uses several other times in these emails: “head space.” They drop this term in reference to Clinton’s mental focus, her memory for stump speech lines and talking points, or her ability to handle a task.


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