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Friday, October 07, 2016

Green Cards To Muslims Increased By 29% Under Obama

While attention has been given to the rising number of Muslim refugees being admitted into the U.S., the Obama administration has been quietly increasing the numbers even more under a separate program – “green cards”.

Since Obama came into office, green cards to Muslim immigrants into the United States has increased by a full 29 percent, according to data gathered from the Department of Homeland Security.

The Washington Examiner reported on a recent study from the Immigration Reform Law Institute which revealed that in fiscal year 2014, green cards were issued to 178,403 people from Muslim nations. (Compared to a cap of 70,000 refugee admissions in 2014 from around the world.)



  1. Send them all back. Every last one.

  2. bringing in terrorists to take down america.

  3. I'd rather have them here than either of you above me

    1. And I would rather not pay for them through my taxes. If you want them here so much open up your home and bring them in and YOU can support them! Quite frankly I have had enough of people like you ! Vote Trump 2016!!

  4. 8:34 AM if you hate this country so much why the hell don't you just leave.

  5. 8:34 They want to kill you too, and your queen want to import another MILLION of them. Give me a million rednecks over one muslim. I hate name-calling in these blogs, but you are one despicable creature.

  6. Nearly 30%...That's a lot...Too much! It's got to stop!


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