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Saturday, October 22, 2016

General's guilty plea in leak probe fuels double-standard claims by Clinton critics

The Justice Department is facing new allegations of a double-standard in the wake of a retired four-star general pleading guilty to misleading FBI investigators in a leak probe -- after the bureau opted not to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton over her email controversy.

The cases are not related, though both pertain to the handling of classified information. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump invoked the plea entered by retired Gen. James Cartwright during Wednesday night's debate to suggest Clinton enjoyed different treatment.

“We have a great general, four-star general, today you read it in all of the papers, going to potentially serve five years in jail for lying to the FBI. One lie. She's lied hundreds of times to the people, to Congress, and to the FBI. He's going to probably go to jail. This is a four-star general,” Trump said.



  1. This administration of Obama's is just as culpable in the cover up as Hillary is. None of this could go on unless it was ordered or at minimum done with approval from the White House!

  2. 5:14, you're completely on the money.


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