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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Former Secret Service: Hillary Completely Incompetent

Her public image is completely fake

Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne testified that Hillary Clinton is “completely incompetent” and behaves like an unstable dictator.

“Watching her with her dictator-like attitude walking around the West Wing of the White House berating people, who can take her seriously?” said Byrne on The Alex Jones Show Monday. “It was a joke.”

“The Hillary Clinton that I know, that I wrote about in my book Crisis of Character, is completely incompetent,” Byrne continued. “And the truth is if people pay attention they’ve also heard that from the Director of the FBI.”

“He either told us she was completely incompetent, or she was just too stupid to understand the security measures that were supposed to be in place.”



  1. She was mighty fine at dodging sniper fire.

  2. Too many others are TOO in the damn Govt at all levels

    That's the problem with this country

    The Wrong people are put in charge (the bad ones)

    The good people need to take our country back Vote Trump

    It is supposed to be Gov BY the People NOT people By the Gov which IS what we really have

    The Worse enemy of our country is Our Own Gov and out
    country is being Destroyed from Within Not from Outside
    Enemys World war 3 is here Not over there

  3. She's a worthless toad of a human being.You can't kiss this frog and make into a president.Dems wake up and open your eyes.

  4. No matter what she does Millions still kiss her ass

    Her and Bill still are their Rockstars

    Pay so you can play with them as others have

    so many stupid people in this country what a shame


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