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Thursday, October 13, 2016

First Post-Debate Poll Gives Hillary A Significant Lead... And A Familiar Problem Emerges

On Tuesday afternoon, a joint NBC/WSJ poll revealed the first official polling results following Sunday's contentious debate. It found that in a 4 way race, Hillary Clinton held on to a 9 point lead over Donald Trump, with the support of 46% of likely voters, while Trump has 37%, Gary Johnson has 8% and Jill Stein has 2%.

The lead grew even bigger to 10 points in a head to head scenario, or 50% to 40%.


  1. BS, just plain BS. Media and polls want everyone to believe that Hillary is so far ahead of Trump, well BS,BS,BS. Believe what you want but I will vote for Trump, period!

  2. This is sad, precisely because it is true. HRC is going to be President of the United States. I cannot believe I'm even admitting that.

    I wish I could say the poll is biased, but it has a sound methodology.

  3. They never say how many from each party they asked. Just another ploy to get Devillary elected. This fact should be mandated on every pole.

  4. Do you think NBC or CNN is going to tell you the truth!

  5. Notice that in the photos, Hillary is the only one with a full-facial shot.

  6. And everybody just believes this BS when they also see 20,000 at Trump rallies and Hillary can't fill a corner of a high school gym.

    Keep that Kool-aid coming, Bartender!

    1. Ain't that the truth. They inflated her numbers so when she steals the election the will be a trace of plausibility to it. If she wins the rest of us loses. And we lose yuge


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