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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Finish This Title For Me: Liberals Are So _________


  1. ...going to lose the revolution. We're deplorable, they're deportable. Thank you.

  2. incredibly confused and confusing.

  3. Hillary's tax plan will drive more large earners to put their money elsewhere, as in outside the U.S.

  4. Most people on the Eastern Shore dont even make 37,650 a year. I need a breakdown of this because this is b-a-n-a-n-a-s

  5. I am tired of supporting the entitled
    If she wins due to brain dead folks worried about sexual innuendoes
    like Megan Kelly on use to be good Fox News, rather than real issues then we are through as a country.Newt in his interview made here look as foolish as she sounds. The media as a whole has tried to control this election from the beginning. The Republican party should be cleansed of those wanting to maintain the same public eating virus that has existed for years. I think the Democratic party has underestimated the women voters by thinking they can gain the vote simply by promoting stories from women who have not substantiated any of the allegations paid for by the Hildabeast. They seem to think women can't think on their own. BIG Mistake.

  6. Why should the single vs married rates be different? The government didn't require you nor issue you your kids or spouse. It was your choice.

  7. People love working over 9 months of the year to pay taxes, that's why they keep voting Democrats into office. Look at that Hot Mess in our City Hall! The whole Administration is sucking your cash where the Feds leave off and what do you get? More Section 8 Housing and no fire trucks coming if you have a fire outside their so-called 'jurisdiction' which is pretty much everything outside downtown surrounds.

    Next time though, ask for KY before the big screw!


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