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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

FBI Notes: Clinton Routinely Breached Security And Diplomatic Protocol

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton routinely breached security and diplomatic protocol, according to an FBI interview with a professional who served on Clinton’s protective detail.

The agent worked for both Clinton and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and described to the FBI a “stark difference” between the two when it came to obeying protocol.

“Rice observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while Clinton frequently and ‘blatantly’ disregarded them,” the interview notes read.

Some examples:

Riding With Huma –

Clinton frequently refused to arrive at foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador, choosing her chief of staff Huma Abedin to ride in the vehicle with her instead.

“This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the report read.

The report noted that Abedin possessed “much more power” over Clinton’s schedule.

Security Breach –



  1. Rules are for the 'little' people.

  2. You know she is smarter then all of us deplorable.

  3. Huma is always at her side. She's her therapy pet.


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