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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Don’t Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Implicated In Latest Project Veritas Video

Last week, Jame O'keefe and Project Veritas Action potentially altered the course of the U.S. election, or at a minimum raised serious doubts about the practices of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, after releasing two undercover videos that revealed efforts of democrat operatives to incite violence at republican rallies and commit "mass voter fraud." While democrats have vehemently denied the authenticity of the videos, two democratic operatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, have both been forced to resign over the allegations.

Many democrats made the rounds on various mainstream media outlets over the weekend in an attempt to debunk the Project Veritas videos. Unfortunately for them, O'Keefe fired back with warnings that part 3 of his multi-part series was forthcoming and would implicate Hillary Clinton directly.
Anything happens to me, there's a deadman's switch on Part III, which will be released Monday. @HillaryClinton and@donnabrazile implicated.

Now, we have the 3rd installment of O'Keefe's videos which does seemingly reveal direct coordination between Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval to organize a smear campaign over Trump's failure to release his tax returns. Per Project Veritas:



  1. Keep it coming and we'll try to keep up. It's a lot to digest in such a short span. But we get the picture.

  2. Trump's new DOJ and FBI heads are going to have a lot of work to do.

  3. I like the idea of anyone having anything on the Clinton's should have a "deadman's switch"! Just in case they should meet their untimely demise.


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