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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Donald Trump Won Third Presidential Debate, Internet Decides

Donald Trump won the third and final presidential debate — or at least that’s what you’d think if you were reading the Internet Wednesday night.

As the two candidates went head to head for 90 minutes onstage at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, it was clear that the Republican nominee had won the Internet over.

In a poll run on the Drudge Report near the end of the debate, 76 percent of voters believed that Trump defeated Clinton handily, while 24 percent thought she had won.

It’s worth noting that voters didn’t seem to think Trump performed as well as he did in St. Louis, when he garnered 92 percent of the Drudge poll.



  1. Trump has WON Every Debate

    and all the Black Racist and Hillary bought Media always
    deny it

    It will be a Landslide VVVictory when Trump wins

    all you Haters !!!!

  2. All you who still want Hillary
    Don't ever complain if she gets in and Ruins the USA

    Keep your heads in the sand to you she does No wrong

  3. was she reading from a teleprompter in the podium? Sure looked like it.


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