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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Donald Trump Cannot Be Brought Down By The Hillary-Loving Mainstream Media

It's no news to anyone that Trump is facing some rough times. He is fighting the entire Democratic party, traitors within the ranks of the Republican party, and just about the entire Mainstream Media. It is clear to both sides that the "system" is out to discredit and smear the Trump name.

What isn't so clear, especially if all you do is watch MSM garbage, is the fact that Donald Trump cannot be brought down. This movement is bigger than Trump and the people have had enough. No matter what his enemies do, his support continues to grow.

Therefore, it was no surprise to his supporters to see the recent polls come out today. After experiencing what many are calling "the greatest debate victory in history", the numbers are finally starting to trickle in and they are showing a complete and utter reversal of Hillary's momentum. The LA Times poll, one of the most accurate in former elections, has Clinton and Trump in a virtual tie.


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord, Trump remain protected by our dear Lord.


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