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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

DOJ Warns Efforts to Stop 2016 Voter Fraud Could 'Violate' Federal Law

A U.S. Department of Justice press release warns individuals who may serve as poll watchers hoping to prevent voter fraud could violate voter intimidation laws.

Upon first blush, what may appear to be a middling warning that voter fraud and abuse will not be tolerated by federal law enforcement also casts a shadow over various lawful election activities with broad language apparently intended to caution individuals from performing their duties.

A statement initially circulated by various U.S. Attorney’s offices outline several forms of election crimes to include “buying and selling votes, impersonating voters,” and others, yet offers a blanket warning to individuals that may hope to disrupt and document similar plots that those actions may, too, “violate federal voting rights law.” The DOJ comment specifically counsels against communicating with voters and “challenging them”, plus the capture of still and video images is also mentioned. The statement does not grant the varying distinctions in which states may allow communication between voters and poll watchers, nor does the DOJ note that some observers in specific states do indeed have the power to challenge would-be voters based on documented ineligibility. As a point of fact, some states—Missouri as an example—specifically call election observers “challengers”, according to local statutes.



  1. If you recall in the last two elections, there were certain areas around the country where certain people dressed in what could be considered "blacked out battle dress" uniforms and wearing berets were accused of voter intimidation. Would it not be interesting if in those very same areas, as well as any new areas that might have the same types of people show up, if Biker Gangs, Truck Drivers, and other big burley American's showed up to counter-intimidate those would-be intimidators?

    Just my opinion. No hating please.

  2. 12:16 and if I remember correctly those who intimidated in the last two elections were never held accountable.

  3. You are correct so this is why an equally impressive group should just go hang out at those places too.

  4. Why should any decent normal person listen to Loretta Lynch's crooked DOJ? She is a criminal herself.

  5. don't make me laugh you idiots. breaking the law is breaking the law. voter fraud is BREAKING the LAW.


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