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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Did Hillary Expose Nuclear National Secret In Last Night's Debate?

Hillary's comments in last night's debate about nuclear response times caught a lot of people off-guard. Here's what she said:

"The bottom line on nuclear weapons is when the President gives the order it must be followed. There's about 4 minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. And that's why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out and, in an unprecedented way, said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button."

To summarize, Hillary Clinton just told any potential enemy out there A) how close they need to be to the target to launch their nuclear weapons (submarine, bomber) at current delivery system speeds and B) how fast future delivery systems need to travel in order to provide enough standoff while negating any retaliatory action by the President of the United States.



  1. She'll just say that she was speaking in generalities. As for whose finger is on the button, nobody has pushed it and nobody will.

  2. Yes, she just aided the Enemy by stating that. No question about it. Treason by definition.

  3. Debate was Wednesday and FOX brought it up Wednesday after debate

  4. Tomorrow she will say she doesn't recall saying that.

  5. And some of US can take full advantage of it.

  6. She has given away every secret the United States has ever had so this is nothing new for her. Damn her anyway. Vote Trump!

  7. If only there were video of everything that she doesn't remember; it would make this whole process so much smoother.

    Isn't it odd that the only things she's seemed to have lost her memory for are the things that can get her in deep trouble?

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 22, 2016 at 4:35 PM

    She told on national TV for the whole world to hear that we, the USA, have exactly 4 minutes to respond to nuclear attack. That alone is exposing secrets to the enemies of the country. That's why that Crooked Witch should not be allowed anywhere near the White House for rest of her life.

  9. They don't call her plane "Broomstick 1" for nothing


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