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Thursday, October 20, 2016

DC Metro Police under fire for arrest of black girl


 Below is the description listed on Youtube for this video

17 years old, was commuting home with her friends from Bell High School. She was walking to the metro gates with a bag of chips and lollipop then stopped by transit police because she had food. That's all the back story I was able to get from her and her friends. When filming started after they had already handcuffed her.

In the other videos, she keeps asking them to loosen the handcuffs
But they won't. They then took her up to police vehicle to search her but they slammed her against the car. She screams that they just slammed her face against the window. Officer Vinh (big Asian man with white tee) did most of the violent arresting / assaulting
Sent her to the juvenile processing station near Minnesota Ave. They wouldn't let the person filming this video use her phone to call her mom and unfortunately her mom just got a new number so she didn't have it memorized for home to call her.

EDITORS NOTE: Metro rules state there is no eating while on the train or in the station and that citations or arrests will be made to enforce the law    http://www.wmata.com/rail/railrules.cfm

BlackLivesMatterDC has posted this video to their twitter account. 


  1. These kids today are disrespectful,manipulative, obnoxious, rude and totally believe they can do anything and no one should question them..this is why you get these half videos edited to make it look like they are being roughed up for no reason.it's bullcrap and the media blows these stories up and cause more idiots to act out for cameras. No doubt they are looking for a payday..thank you scumbag trial lawyers...

  2. She got what she needed! Follow the rules and you don't get in trouble, really simple to figure out, but teens today have no respect for rules and laws.

  3. cops did nothing wrong , she's a typical butt head.

  4. I wonder how many millions she will get for doing wrong.

  5. smh at you people.

  6. Above statements are correct.....the gal is a knuckle head....I would havevasked thebothers to move on or arrest them for interference....


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