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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 19: And the Wall Comes Crumbling Down...

Day 19 on WikiLeaks is up as usual. This gives the 12 Days of Christmas a whole new meaning.

Also see bottom, posting email found yesterday about Clinton's issues regarding the email server where she flamed 33K emails (about to be revealed in just a mere week's time.)

Apparently the Clinton camp was colluding with the State Department about how to "handle" her situation. Here's a novel idea: Don't run for president! If Clinton really wanted to be president, why didn't she keep her nose clean? Think about it.

Oh well, just another day in the big RIG. We'll see how this all shakes out, sooner than later.

Doubts about the Clinton Foundation by Robby Mook (And you say WikiLeaks isn't revealing anything -- obviously you're not paying attention!):

Note to Readers: Taking Money from Foreign Governments for Our Election is a CRIME! Also, when Clinton started her campaign, she borrowed Jeff Epstein, famed convicted pedophile's Lolita Express Jet for her mode of transportation... Oops! Just saying...


  1. Why do you keep posting this wikileak stuff? No one voting for Clinton cares about the truth around here.

  2. If you forward just one piece of it to your friends and relatives who are glued to MSM pap, maybe one of them will be more interested in the truth rather than continuing to be in the stupor that the DNC propaganda that they assume to be truth keeps them in.

    If you believe in truth, show it, share it.

  3. Joe, please keep on posting. This information is valuable and we need to read every word.

  4. Wasn't there a day in your life when you told your parents to stop calling you "Robbey, Mikey, Jimmy, Davey" and such and told them you're grown up now and wish to be addressed as Robert or Bob, Mike or Michael, Dave or David"? I go by Steve, not Stevie. Because I'm over 12 now.

    It's easy to find losers this way.


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