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Monday, October 31, 2016

Conway: Clintons bring an 'ethical stain'

Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway predicted Monday that the GOP nominee will win the election because voters are sick of the Clintons.

"We're going to win the election," said Conway on MSNBC. "If you are an undecided voter, you are very decided about Hillary Clinton. There's really nothing else you are going to learn about her in these last 8 to 10 days that is going to change your mind."

Conway said Team Trump isn't planning on making FBI James Comey's announcement that the FBI is reopening the investigation into Clinton's emails a "main centerpiece of our messaging," but argued the Democrats made a "huge mistake" by nominating Clinton and voters are tired of Washington insiders running the country.

"We don't need this ethical stain that has been Bill and Hillary Clinton for decades now to continue," she said.

Conway spoke after a few new polls have been released showing Clinton has a narrow lead over Trump, and that Trump has gained ground slightly since last week's news. But with just eight days before the election, some observers have said it's too late for Trump to overcome Clinton's lead.



  1. Ethical and moral stain...deep and set in.

  2. They can't scrub it out, they can't bleach it out.

  3. yes, & it was a biotch getting the stain off of that blue dress.


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