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Monday, October 24, 2016

Clinton has 'nothing to say' about email revealing $12M deal with Morocco's king

A stone-faced Hillary Clinton refused to comment on an email a top aide sent calling a Clinton Foundation quid pro qou a 'mess' of the former secretary of state's own making.

'I have nothing to say about Wikileaks, other than I think we should all be concerned about what the Russians are trying to do to our election and using Wikileaks very blatantly to try to influence the outcome of the election,' Clinton said on Saturday.

The Democratic nominee was responding to a question posed by DailyMail.com during a media avail with reporters riding on her campaign plane.



  1. Playing the Russian card is getting old. In the end I bet we find out this was an inside job and the Russians are no where near this.

  2. The Russians are not the problem. Nor is the source of the leaks. The information in the leaks is what matters. The leaks make us all witness to the dirt that covers our little Hillary and her backlot gang.


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